
Suspicious Minds - Elvis Presley [mp3]

Elvis Presley - Suspicious Minds

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Thanks for your post over on my blog, Jim. I appreciate it a lot. I'm not going to say my departure wasn't my fault or anything like that...I chose to resign, and the elders accepted my resignation. I don't want to give any details, because we all know that there are three-sides to every story (yours, mine, and the truth), and I don't want to say anything that isn't true, just because in the heat of the moment, I see it less-than-clearly. I do appreciate your continued thoughts and prayers. I hope you'll continue to support FCC in this time of transition.

...and on a completely unrelated note... I noticed that you listed Spoondrift on your profile page as being one of the bands you like. How do you know those guys?!? I went to high-school with Chuck Nowakowski and Jim Manno, and I still see Jim a few times a year! Small world!
No problem Derek. Keep on rockin'. I know Chuck Nowakowski because he is my cousin on my father's side. Tell Jim Manno I said hey, although he probably won't remember me from their shows.

For those who're confused, Derek is referring to his blog post called It was a good run, but it's over.]

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