
Music-Map.com - Find Similar Music

Let me quickly tell you about a new website I learned about called Music-Map. You can type in the name of an artist and get a variety of similar artists in a simple, visual relationship cloud. The closer the two names are, the greater the probability people will like both artists.

Let's try a few examples, just off the top of my head:

Most of the major streaming services, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, YouTube Music and so on, all have built-in recommendation engines. You listen to one song or one artist or play a playlist of your favorites, they have an additional 10 songs for you to add. As a manual music recommendation engine, Gnod's Music-Map is pretty interesting because it shows you visually the relationship between different bands and artists, allowing you click from one to the next through degrees of separation. It's more interactive and purposeful and it fulfills a research role as well. The major streaming providers could learn a thing or two here and incorporate something similar into their paid services. But regardless, check out Music-Map.com.

Found via Imgur.

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